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Toiuru Māori Treasures

Hine Kurawaka

Hine Kurawaka

This Hine Kurawaka dress recognises and acknowledges the creation of wahine.

Hine Kurawaka embraces identity and culture.

Each kōhine kākāhu is made with a woolen pari panel, a tutu skirt and underskirting.  The dress has a velcro back allowing for easy wear, as well as a halter neck to secure the kākāhu on the kōhine 

Pari (bodice) is made out of 5.4% Wool, 5.45 Nylon, 10.8% Polyester, 78.4% Acrylic with 100% cotton interior lining, keeping kōhine cool during the warmer months and warm during cooler months.

Panekoti (skirt with tulle) is made out of 100% Polyester with 100% Cotton interior lining. 

Bodice =  170mm body mid length x 660mm opened out

Straps (halter neck  = 490mm long x 20mm wide

Underskirt = 360mm hip down 

Tulle = 340mm hip down 

Regular price $107.99 NZD
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